Eye Health: Astigmatism | The Vision Gallery Edmonton

EYE HEALTH 101… Astigmatism

AstigmatismNearsighted, farsighted, progressive– these are common terms used to describe prescription eyewear. From contacts to glasses, corrective lenses come in all shapes and sizes. Also, they are designed to treat a wide variety of vision problems, not just help you focus on different distances. One such issue is astigmatism— read on for the Vision Gallery’s crash course in this common diagnosis.

WHAT IS… Astigmatism?

A perfectly shaped eye is round, but the genetic diversity of people means almost all of us have some variation of this shape. Oval or oblong eye organs cause the light entering to bend in subtly different ways, causing blurriness and distortion at certain distances– this is called astigmatism.

WHAT CAUSES… Astigmatism?

The shape of the eye controls the degree to which someone experiences astigmatism. There are also thresholds that control how effectively astigmatism can be treated. As an optical defect, your chances of developing astigmatism are a genetic roll of the dice. Family history could be a factor, so always advise your optometrist if any relatives suffer astigmatism.


The following is a brief summary of the common symptoms of astigmatism:

  • Blurred vision;
  • Distortion when viewing at a distance;
  • Eyestrain;
  • Eye fatigue.

These symptoms do not guarantee astigmatism, but sufferers should schedule an eye exam.

TREATING… Astigmatism

Most common cases of astigmatism can be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Laser or refractive eye surgery is also an option for some sufferers and can reverse the symptoms outright.

Contact or visit the Vision Gallery today and our friendly staff will answer any questions you might have about astigmatism. A regular eye exam will keep your vision in tip-top shape and any astigmatism can be tracked and treated.


Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Changes

We want to inform you of important changes to the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) that will take effect on February 1, 2025. Click below to find out more information.