Kids Eye Glasses & Exams - The Vision Gallery

Kids Eye Glasses

A child wearing glasses


The Vision Gallery Is Your Destination For Kid’s Eye Exams, Frames, and Eye Care.

Eye exams are vital to kid’s development and it’s important they see an optometrist for regular eye exams. During a routine check-up, your optometrist is checking for much more than blurry vision and general eye development. There are dozens of eye health issues that present very few if any noticeable symptoms and the only way to be certain is to schedule yearly eye exams.

Kids should have their first eye exam at six months. At that time, an ophthalmologist is best equipped to identify any significant health risks that might adversely affect your child’s visual and overall health.  The maturation of the eyes continues throughout childhood. Often a prescription will not stabilize until around 18 years old. Until then, kids may struggle with blurred vision, slow focus or a poor ability to see in “stereo.” Since children are still learning how to see, many problems can go undetected in young people if not taken to eye exams regularly.

There are some common indications that a child may need glasses:

  • Squinting when trying to focus,
  • Head tilting, eye rubbing or covering one eye while reading, at the computer or watching TV,
  • Complaints of blurry vision at a particular distance,
  • Trouble in school, especially if seated at the rear of class,
  • Development of a lazy eye.


Optometrists use an assortment of examinations to ascertain a child’s need for glasses or if there are any signs that glasses may be required later in life. It is particularly vital that a child visits an optometrist before he or she begins school, returning annually to preserve their vision and ensure their education.

Remember, for children under the age of 19 Alberta Health covers your eye exams. This age ranges are most susceptible to eye development and degeneration problems, so don’t lose your vision over money worries– schedule your eye exam today!

 With 3 easy locations, we’re conveniently here when you need us.

Book and appointment online or call us to take the next step in your child’s eyecare.

Edmonton South

5946 Mullen Way, Edmonton, T6R0S9

Call (780) 438-5030  |  BOOK ONLINE | GET DIRECTIONS

Edmonton North

4931 167 Ave NW, Edmonton, T5Y0S4

Call (780) 705-2015  |  BOOK ONLINE | GET DIRECTIONS


6306 50 St #112, Beaumont, T4X0B6

Call (780) 929-0202  |  BOOK ONLINE GET DIRECTIONS


Additional Questions? We’re always here to help, but here’s a few common questions posed by concerned parents when their children may need glasses:


Will wearing glasses make my child’s eyes “lazier” or “worse”?

No. Actually if a child wears the proper prescription during the important years of eye development, “lazy eyes” or amblyopia is often avoided altogether.

Does sitting too close to the TV or computer damage my children’s eyes?

No, there is no direct evidence that sitting too close to a screen causes any damage. However sitting too close can cause headaches and eyestrain, which is uncomfortable and may make a child reluctant to try glasses.

My child is under five and needs a corrective prescription, are there contact lenses for him or her?

Yes, there is no age limit for contact lenses. Of course, lenses must be cleaned carefully and treated appropriately.

Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Changes

We want to inform you of important changes to the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) that will take effect on February 1, 2025. Click below to find out more information.