Preventing The Symptoms Of Aging Eyes | The Vision Gallery

LOOK THROUGH FRESH EYES: Preventing the Symptoms of Aging Vision

Part of senior woman face

It’s easy to see how some parts of your body age: we see wrinkles and grey hairs in the mirror every morning. But how do you see if something is aging, if it’s the thing you see with…? It’s not a riddle– your eyes and vision experience wear and tear just like the rest of you, though the warning signs can be more difficult to detect. Read on for a summary of the symptoms of aging eyes and a list of precautions you can take to limit the effects.

You may be experiencing these changes without actually noticing them happen. Pay attention to how you look at the world and take note of any of the following symptoms:
• You are often squinting in bright light,
• Only bright or vibrant colours catch your eye,
• Everyday things are harder than before (getting dressed, eating, etc.),
• You have trouble writing down things that are seen but not heard,
• Persistent, annoying twitches or light flickering in the corner of the eyes,
• You have limited vision at night,
• Involuntary eye twitches experienced throughout day,
• Increased mistakes while driving,
• Any feeling of clumsiness or lack of coordination.

Here are few simple guidelines to help preserve your vision and eye health as you get older:
Regular eye exams after age 45 are the only way to catch and prevent many eye health issues that develop with age. Often vision problems have little to no noticeable side effects.
• Treat dry, itchy eyes with drops and a home humidifier. Left untreated, dry eyes can worsen or complicate existing eye problems related to aging. Eye discomfort is not normal and should be addressed promptly.
• Watery eyes should be examined by a doctor, but safety or sunglasses may help. Eyes weaken over time, so older people may find their eyes react negatively to brightness or glare– this includes occasional watering. If sunglasses don’t help, ensure your doctor treats them promptly as they can indicate serious issues.
• Keep your home and workplace well lit, dim or weak light only makes your eyes work harder. This causes fatigue in your eye muscles and can lead to further problems and complications.
• Do not smoke or quit if you do! Few lifestyle choices are as directly harmful as first- and second-hand smoke. Smoke irritates and dries out eyes and the adverse effects on your circulation can also damage your vision.
• Reduce glare with lampshades, filters for electronic screens and UV-blocking sunglasses. Direct glare is extremely tiring for your eyes and especially taxing on aging, weaker vision. From the home to the office to outdoors– all environments can produce harsh glare, so be prepared!
• Always use safety glasses when doing dirty or dangerous work, as foreign objects can cause irreparable harm to your eyes or vision. Your eyes maintain a careful balance and any injury can disrupt that balance.
• Avoid eye injuries from chemicals or hot liquids– ensure your workplace or workshop has adequate eye wash stations. Protect your eyes from activities that involve possible risks to your eyes and vision.
• Eat healthy (many vitamins found in carrots, kale, citrus, etc. can help prevent or slow eye disease). No you won’t be able to see in the dark, but diet and nutrition are still vital to healthy eyes.

Any questions or concerns? Contact the Vision Gallery today and our professionals will provide you with guidance and care that will have you seeing clearly for years to come.


Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Changes

We want to inform you of important changes to the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) that will take effect on February 1, 2025. Click below to find out more information.